Wednesday, June 20, 2012


redintegrate [rɛdˈɪntɪˌgreɪt] v.t.

1.) To restore to a state of wholeness, completeness or unity; to renew, re-establish, in a united or perfect state (O.E.D. 2nd Edition).

Etymology: from participle stem of Latin redintegrāre to make whole again, restore, renew, from red- re- + integrāre to integrate.

"Redintegrate the fame first of your house,
Restore your ladyship's quiet, render then
Your niece a virgin and unvitiated,
And make all plain and perfect, as it was,
A practice to betray you, and your name?"
(The Magnetic Lady, Ben Johnson, 1641)

(Le Sacre de Napoléon, Jacques-Louis David, 1807)


D4 said...

Fun to say, easy to remember. I honestly figured I knew what it meant without getting too deep into the post. Kinda speaks for itself somehow, maybe I read I've read it recently.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So is our word "reintegrate" just that word without the "d"? Means the same thing. Adding the "d" sounds strange.

MRanthrope said...

I must redintegrate the glory of my blogger status, but commenting on this post.

Meri said...

It seems like it should be reintegrate, not redintegrate, its making me crazy!

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